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Welcome to the Carey-Hughes Realty Advisors, Inc. homepage. As professionals in the real estate market, we have the resources and network ability to make your real estate transaction a success, regardless of the size of the transaction.

Since we have many customers around the world who are interested in pursuing profitable opportunities without delay, we show our listed properties through this medium rather than relying solely on our newsletters, mailouts and other printed materials.

We put great emphasis on prompt customer service and work diligently to meet your needs quickly. We are available when YOU need us.

For those unfamiliar with our services, we encourage you to browse this site to see how we may be of service to you. Should you have questions regarding any property or service offered on our site, please direct them to us via e-mail or telephone.

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New & Featured Properties

"Advisors, Consultants, Brokers and Managers
of Hotel/Motel, Commercial, Farm, Ranch
and Residential Real Estate"

C-H Experience

Serving the
Grand Lake Area

"Your Grand Lake and Northeast
Oklahoma Full Service Commercial
and Residential Real Estate Connection"

13057 Highway 28 East
Langley, OK 74350
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 703
Langley, OK 74350-0703
Phone 405.949.0606

For Information or
To Send E-mail

Office Location Map

Oklahoma City's
and Canal Waterway Gallery

This Site Is
Continually Updated

As most of our customers are aware, we are dedicated to serving both the purchaser of new and existing properties as well as the seller of currently existing commercial properties, businesses, motels & hotels, land, farm, ranch and residential property.

Our services include real estate purchase or lease agreements on all types of real estate; emergency and long term management of hotel/motel and/or any type of commercial property, including court appointed receiverships; and consulting as related to business operation, business plans or marketing plans.

We provide services in Arkansas, Kansas, Texas & Oklahoma.

Please feel free to request a copy of our Hotel/Motel NewsLetter or The REALTY ADVISOR using the form in the Mailroom or read either online by using FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader : The REALTY ADVISOR or the Hotel/Motel NewsLetter.

Property Photo
Grand Lake's Pensacola Dam


Last Updated September 3, 2024

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This website is maintained by Weldon Hughes
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